Our Giant Pumpkin & World Class Pumpkin Carver
Pumpkins have represented the Fall season and Halloween for centuries! This year the Inn is decorated with over 200 pumpkins and gourds for a spectacular display. Guests are welcomed to the Main Inn by a remarkable 1,349-pound pumpkin and enjoy taking photos and marveling at its sheer size. Many of our team members have hidden talents, and Scott Cully from our Bell Services team is no exception. Scott has held the record for the Guinness Book’s World Record for the largest jack-o’-lantern four times and has carved pumpkins all over the world.
Read below for fun facts about our giant pumpkin and more details about Scott Cully's world-record pumpkin carving including tips for carving at home.
10 Giant Pumpkin Fun Facts
- The 1,349 pound pumpkin was grown in Topsfield, Massachusetts, by 22-year-old Henry Swenson.
- The seed was planted on March 31, pollinated on June 5, and harvested on October 3, giving it 120 days to grow.
- At its peak, the pumpkin was growing at least 30 pounds a day.
- During the months of June and July, the vines grew up to a foot a day.
- The pumpkin required 100 gallons of water a day during the hottest months of the summer and an umbrella was used to keep the pumpkin out of direct sunlight.
- The seed used came from a smaller 839-pound pumpkin.
- The pumpkin vines covered approximately 700 square feet.
- Henry would spend up to 4 to 5 hours in the pumpkin patch each day tending to his plants.
- 2025 will be Henry’s 10th year growing pumpkins.
- The pumpkin was among the top 10 largest in the Topsfield Fair Giant Pumpkin Weigh-In.
Scott Cully: World Class Pumpkin Carver
Scott is a world class pumpkin carver who has been perfecting his craft since 1987. His passion for carving began on his family's farm in Connecticut, where he started growing pumpkins for fun. His journey as a professional pumpkin carver began at a contest in Philadelphia, and he has since carved pumpkins around the world, including in England, Germany, and New Zealand. Scott has held the record for the Guinness Book’s World Record for the largest jack-o’-lantern four times and enjoys carving pumpkins for all to see.

About Our World Class Pumpkin Carver
*In 2010 Scott was invited to carve a massive 1,800-pound pumpkin at the New York Botanical Gardens. Show in photo on right.
*Scott's carvings are meant to create a "Wow" factor that captivates audiences.
*To achieve his signature carvings, Scott uses simple yet effective tools, including a 3-inch paring knife for deep cuts and large spoons to scoop out the pumpkin’s insides.
* His process typically takes about one hour per 100 pounds of pumpkin.
*Scott prefers Atlantic Giant pumpkins due to their skins being 6 to 10 inches thick.

Tips For Carving at Home
*Pick a pumpkin with a green stem as they are the freshest.
*Plan and draw your design before you start carving.
*Cut the bottom of the pumpkin rather than the top. This makes it much easier to scoop out the insides and there is less chance of the top falling in.
*Scrape down the insides to prevent your pumpkin from rotting as fast.
*Scott will be carving pumpkins at the Chatham Bars Inn Main Inn stairs on Oct 26 from 11am - 2pm and will be providing tips to enthusiastic carvers. All are welcome to attend this complimentary event. 🎃